Dr Direct 4U's The Seamless Journey to Improved Health

Dr-Direct2U has exceeded the expectations of our MD partners, HealthCare Professionals, nutritionist, trainers as well as many healthCare Professional who have worked with us over the last 15 years.  New look, improved navigation, simpler home page, but still the same Dr Direct2U level of quality.  

Dr Direct 4U's The Seamless Journey to Improved Health

New look, improved navigation, simpler home page, but still the same Dr Direct4U level of quality.  We are pleased to announce some major improvements in the www.drdirect4u.com site.  The driving force to create the site was the diagnosis of our two children with Type-1 diabetes.  Although it is generally considered an inherited disease we were left with the guilt that somehow we may have contributed to it via our life style choices.  A lot has been learned, since we got started and both children are living a normal life.  The oldest has a 10 year old daughter and the youngest recently got married with a career at a major university 

 Dr-Direct2U has exceeded the expectations of our MD partners, HealthCare Professionals, nutritionist, trainers as well as many healthCare Professional who have worked with us over the last 15 years.

 At the time we created the www.drdirect4u.com site we did not have a lot of choices.  The site was considered state of the art.  Along with our web developer we selected a platform that allowed us to update on a real time basis.  That site served us well, but we will be migrating to a much more functional platform:  we have made some significant improvements:

  • Much simpler navigation.
  • Cleaner opening page.
  • Quick access products and product categories.
  • Blogs, recipes, and life style information is easier to find.
  • Allow the customer how they want information organized.
  • Allow professional code to be used with all forms of payments.
  • Made it easy to share product specials and information.

 The down side is you will e required to enter your customer information.

  • You only need to add it once.
  • Your professional code has not changed.
  • The site will remember it at the checkout screen.

We plan to implement the new site but the 10th of August or sooner.

 All of us at Dr Direct are excited by the improvements and look forward to any comments.


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